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 Confession while buying a laptop.

There is a lot of confusion among us when we go to buy a laptop. Which brand will I take, which processor will I take and which laptop will be good for my work. It causes a lot of confusion when we go to buy a laptop. And we will try to show here how to buy a good quality laptop. And there are many of us who sit for a long time for this problem, thinking about what will be good to buy and whether it will be right or wrong. Hopefully seeing this today will clear up all the confusion.

Confession while buying a laptop

I won't buy a laptop, not a desktop.

When it comes to buying a laptop, one question comes to mind, and that is do you really need a laptop or a desktop? And there is a way to say it and that's why it's said

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Some information about laptops.

What is the laptop actually? Many of us do not understand which thing is needed in which place. He buys his own things by looking at others. And when we buy the thing only after some days we have to face various problems. Why did I buy it, why didn't I buy it on my own? And what I want to say is this. The laptop is a device that you can easily take care of anywhere. And if you need to use a computer everywhere, then I think you need a laptop because you can use it anywhere. A laptop is a portable machine. With which you can go to class. You can go to the river, you can go to the moon. If you want to go somewhere yourself, you can take it there. And you can't go anywhere with a desktop or PC. And this is the difference between laptop and PC.

Now let's see which one is better to buy.

But one thing is that if you buy a PC for the same money you buy a laptop, you will get twice the performance. So if you can work at home, if you don't have any work outside of the computer. Then I think you'd be better off getting a desktop. But that depends on what you want to buy a computer or desktop for. And if you want to do good work, high level work but you can do it with pc and for that you can buy pc. And if you have to go anywhere with your things, then it is definitely better to have a laptop.

What to do with the laptop?

Many of us think that with a laptop to make our work easier, and those who are students use their laptop for assignment work. Others use it for office work. Others are for video editing. Others use laptops for freelancing or web design, graphics design, etc. But you can't do everything at once on a laptop. And for that it depends on what work you will buy the laptop for. Those for gaming are the same. And for video editing you need to buy a laptop. A laptop for freelancing. So it depends on your work which laptop you .

Budget ideas.

If you do the back work bit by bit. and browsing the internet. And watched the video on YouTube. And watched movies or plays. And MS Office Word processing will do these tasks. Do not do anything outside of this. Your budget should be 490$. And if you want to do a little photoshop work or video editing with it, it will be 520$. By this you can do some video editing. And if you want to do gaming you must be 1000$+. Otherwise, you won't get good gaming performance. And if you want to do gaming then I think get a pc for this money then you can do better gaming than that.

Which Brand laptop to buy?

Various kinds of confusion about but work between us. And for that there is solution for each person likes different band of laptop. There is no need for confusion about the brain. But there is a brand. Which one is most interested or if it is 100% OK budget can be taken. If that is Apple. And if you have the budget of Apple laptop, take it and you will get much better performance. Now looking at the trend, there are some companies in A category. ASUS. HP. DELL. LENOVOACERMSI. I consider the brands that have this type as A. Let's see some Chinese brand laptops in B category which you can get in low budget. And you can change A category laptop of any brand. Because all are good and work will be same. But you don't choose the band beforehand. You will first see which brand laptop gives good specification in your budget. And after seeing the good specification of the market, buy it.

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What processor will you take?

The processor in your laptop will depend on what you do. And if you want to do something professional Of course, take a look at the high processor. And in that case you have to support the budget too. And we know that there are two brands of processors. Intel and AMD. But I think it will be better to get intel laptop. And you will always choose the update version. There are any updates in that market. One more thing, no matter what you buy, if your budget is good, you can change the best laptop. Hope your confusion is cleared to some extent.

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