Cat care | Caring for cats

What to do to take care of a cat.?

 Today I will tell you that those who love cats and those who like cats very much.  If we keep something be it human or animal we need to know everything about it and today we will know how to take care of cat so it will be good and look good too.  Cats are very cute animals who care for a cat, they know how hard it is to take care of it. And if it is not taken care of properly, it will not be good and there will be more problems.


Now let's see how if we take care of a cat it will be fine.

When we buy a cat from somewhere, we will buy the cat carefully so that the cat is not skinny.  Let everything last.  And that will reduce our work.  Because if it is not healthy, you will feel bored after bringing it.  So I will try to buy a healthy cat. And even after buying a healthy cat we face many problems.  So we need to know its solution.  If you don't know the reason, you won't be able to take care of him properly.

1st problem after buying a cat.

The first problem that occurs after buying a cat is that  Many take a bath.  And knowing how to bathe a cat or how to bathe it is also very important.  The rule of bathing is to take a bath with the rest of the head and the rest of the body.  And we know that cats smell good, so we have cat shampoo and bath with it.  And in case of giving water to the head, you have to take water in your hand and give it to your head.  And take water in hand in such a way that water does not enter the ear.  But if the cat is not kept in the sun for a long time, the fever will come.  So keep it for a while and bring it back to the shade.

The first problem that occurs after buying a cat is that  Many take a bath.  And knowing how to bathe a cat or how to bathe it is also very important.  The rule of bathing is to take a bath with the rest of the head and the rest of the body.  And we know that cats smell good, so we have cat shampoo and bath with it.  And in case of giving water to the head, you have to take water in your hand and give it to your head.  And take water in hand in such a way that water does not enter the ear.  But if the cat is not kept in the sun for a long time, the fever will come.  So keep it for a while and bring it back to the shade.

But that is very important.

To care for your cat after buying it.  Get a litter bag or basket to hold the cat.  And the reason for keeping it is that if you want to take it to a place, you can't open it.  So having it, you can take your cat wherever you need.

Now the question is.?

Where does the cat poop?  And take a litter box for cat poo.  Litter boxes can be found anywhere.  And if the cost of the litter box is too high, you can buy a pot and make a litter box.  But it will take.

liter box

Now let's discuss some issues.

Many times it is seen that the cat gets hot and cold, watery eyes and there is no reason for your tension, you will get some medicine for it from the store.  For example: Cipro-D then there are cyprosin-thymicin such drops.  Give these.  And best of all take metasuggestion. It is a common thing to always keep these at home. Another thing to keep in mind is that cats should not be overfed.  Food should be fed regularly.  And there are some good cat foods available.  There are many soaps to buy. And eating different types of food has many benefits.  For example, you can eat any food if you take it anywhere.  Another kind of food can be seen.  After giving a different food, the cat gets stomach problems.  That's called a switch and it causes the cat's poo to become thinner.

And a brush is necessary to take care of the cat.  Because there is beauty in the fur of some cats if you keep the brush.  So you can take good care of the fur with a brush.  And there is a separate comb for brushing the cat.  Then you need to check if the cat's wound has bugs or lice.  If there is, it should be cleaned with a comb.

And the biggest problem is.

Many of us cannot give medicine to cats.  And for that we have to face many problems.  Buy the syringes that are available for feeding the medicine to the cat, so there will be no problem in feeding the medicine.

Using a syringe to feed the cat

How to cut nails.

Always keep the cat's nails clean and trimmed.  And nail clippers are also available for cutting cat nails.

How to take care of cat's nails

Another thing is that you will always take care of him and he will not have any problem
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