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 How to clean the car would be better.

We are all very fond of cars. And we want our hobby to always be good. And we bought the car and we know everything about driving but we also need to know how to clean our car. And for that we will see today what to do to clean a car. How best to clean it? And we need to know that. Because it is a very important part of our life.

How to clean the engine of the car..?

We will take care to clean any aspect of the car. If there is a problem, we will lose a lot of money. So we will try to wash the car nicely. And we are in the engine wash. First we will lift the bonnet of the car. Then I will put it up nicely. Then I will clean the car engine well with something dry. And a car should be washed once in 10 days according to me. Because the more you take care of a thing, the better it will be. And so we always have to keep our car perfect. And time to clean the car engine. The engine controller box should be well covered with polythene. So that it does not take water. And it will be a problem if it gets water. However, oil cars have problems but gas cars do not. We will take water in a bucket. Then I will mix the water with simpu. I will start cleaning with a good towel. And best if we do it ourselves, we'll do it this way. And if we do the work with a professional car wash man then they will wash it very carefully.

How to clean the car would be better.

All the parts in a car.

From the steering system to the front and rear suspension, a car is made up of many parts that power and protect your vehicle. A car has over 30,000 parts. It is essential for every driver, mechanic and owner to know the names and functions of the various parts of the car. Vehicle parts are of two types depending on location — front parts and rear parts. Each of them again has two types of parts – internal parts and external parts. Generally all parts of a vehicle fall under this classification. Besides, it is possible to divide all the parts of the car into 5 parts based on their function. Such as: chassis, engine, transmission system, exterior and auxiliary parts. This discussion will give a clear idea about all the components.

The more care the better service.

We use the car, some people do not take care of it. Just carry a make-up kit for yourself? Car also deserves care You decorated so much, now you have to maintain the decoration Cars also need a quick touch-up So carry some things for the car Take some tissues and a handy spray bottle with you If there is a stain on the glass, you can remove it Moreover, if something accidentally falls from the hand, it must be cleaned immediately.

Keep away from direct sunlight.

We are often seen leaving cars in the sun. For that, the dirt accumulated in our car becomes more difficult from sunlight. Because of which we also have problems to clean, so I will clean the dirt in my car as often as possible. And it will be convenient to clean the car if it is not in sunlight. The car will heat up if it is in direct sunlight. This will cause the water to evaporate quickly, making it difficult to clean the car. So keep the car away from direct sunlight. Also close all the windows of the car before washing. and the antenna must be retracted. So that water doesn't get inside or the antenna doesn't break.

What to do before washing the car.

When it comes to car wash, we have to look at all the things. Even when we clean a car ourselves, and so we keep everything tidy and then do it when we find a specific car wash detergent at a local retail auto-parts store. According to the manufacturer's instructions, water and detergent should be mixed in the correct ratio in two buckets. Fill another bucket with water only. This will be your rinsing bucket and one bucket is enough. The thing you need to look at before washing the car. That is, you should see that there is a lot of dirt in the car. And while cleaning the car, it should be seen that there is no problem in the engine with water. Before we clean, we will thoroughly soak the car with water and water every area well. So that the dirt on the car becomes soft and it is easy to clean.

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The mistake I make while washing the car.

Many of us, while cleaning the car, clean it with something like this. Cleaning with which is more harmful for our car. For example, we use some brushes that when used on the car or cleaned with it, it is seen that the car is stained. And these stains look very bad so we have to clean the car with something soft. So that no stain wears.

After washing the car, wipe it well.

After cleaning the car, we will see if there is anything else. And when we clean the car well with water, after we clean the car, we wipe it and wipe it with a good towel. And every part of the car should be cleaned well so that the dirt does not accumulate later. After the car wash (Car Wash), wipe the car thoroughly with multiple towels. Wipe off in such a way that no water accumulates in the vehicle. And use a plastic brush to clean car tires. Next, polish the dry car with wax. This may need to be done multiple times. Wax protects the car from sunlight.

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