black magic | black magic problem in life | black magic book

 Historical treatise on black magic.

Many things can be done in the world. But he needs to know about that. Today we will talk about a topic that many people are interested in. And this thing is a thing that can make a lot of terrible changes to people and that is black magic. And many of us know that these are very common in different countries of the world. Even with this black magic, people are gaining such knowledge that ending a person's life is not a matter for him.

Today we will talk about a book about black magic. This book is a book that creates a fear in people's mind just by thinking about it. And how many people have done anything for this terrible book of imagination or black magic. But no one has that. And it's a book that can make even the most difficult things easy, meaning magic or black magic can do a lot with it. And that book is such a mysterious and cursed great book called ( NECRONOMICON). And this book is bound with human skin. And the writings in it are written in blood. Many people have been searching for the boy for hundreds of years. Others say that the book is very close to us but we cannot achieve it. And if we do it well, we will get it.


Who is the first to tell about the book.

And this book has not been seen by anyone. Because the book is found in the dream. And this book is thousands of years old. And the person who dreamed this book is the best American writer of all time H.P.LOVECRAFT

The watermark of a great book created by the tip of the pen is enigmatic in the fog. For decades. Maybe that's why NECRONOMICON and LOVECRAFT are pronounced almost simultaneously around the world. No one has seen the book till date but many are trying to get the book. Again, the question in the minds of many is that what is there in the book for which everyone is so eager to get it. And in answer to that question, it is said that this book contains information about black magic that if known, a person can achieve the impossible.

This book contains all black magic.

Death is the technique of passing life into the body

A more powerful mantra

If you know all the supernatural tricks, everything in the world will come to hand

The book of black magic

Movie about this book.

This book has a Hollywood movie based on some of its stories. And no one could have imagined that the movie Soi would match this book. And the name of this movie is EVIL DEAD RISR. And the events that happen in this movie are NECRONOMICON BOOK OF THE DEAD. And there are parts of this book that make the impossible possible if done together. And being a part of this book means a lot. And he who has a part has got a killer of the epic. And this book is not fictional there are many facts about its existence. Which many have proved through some other books

What is black magic?

Black magic has traditionally referred to supernatural powers or the use of magic for evil and selfish purposes. In terms of the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is benevolent while white magic is malevolent, the left-hand side. In modern times, some reject the definition of "black magic" as "black magic". By defining such magic or ritual practices, they are narrowed down. Black magic or dark magic is a type of practice that is done to harm others or to achieve one's own interests. It is the association of superhuman and evil forces. Black magic is usually done by superhuman powers. However, many people say that ghosts, ghosts, spirits, ghosts are used in it. That is, it is said that black magic can be used to subdue ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, etc. and do various things with them. Those who practice black magic are called black magicians

11 signs that will tell you that you are a victim of black magic.

(1)  There is constant conflict between husband and wife, sometimes it even reaches the level of fighting, but no one is leaving the other, then it must be understood that someone has applied black magic.

(2) Something happened between the husband and wife for which they suddenly filed for divorce, often due to black magic.

(3) The wife hates her husband terribly. He continued to humiliate him. It can also be for black magic.

(4) Holding the head all the time, taking various medicines, nothing getting better — may happen because someone has practiced black magic.

(5) Breathlessness has started for some days for no reason or the throat becomes tight when talking or singing. In most cases it happens with singers. One of their opponents can do this damage by a professional black magic expert.

(6) Sudden hearing loss is due to black magic. Sudden toothache, bleeding, tooth decay occurs when affected by black magic. Sudden loss of vision or increased pulse, these fall under black magic.

(7) Menstruation too early or late, also by professional black magic. Not only that, but many women stop menstruating seven or eight years before a certain age. This also happens for black magic.

(8) Domestic animals are killed for shooting arrows. Cows don't get milk for the same reason, cow jumps or wants to come out when it enters the cowshed. If these things happen regularly, it should be understood that someone has done black magic.

(9) Many people do not dream during sleep, dreaming during sleep is a natural reaction of human subconscious mind. But with the help of black magic this vision can be stopped.

(10) The magic effect of a good-natured house girl suddenly becoming self-willed.

(11) Sudden dismissal or retrenchment from a job without reason can also be due to black magic. You can't increase your income even if you try hard, promotion doesn't happen in all these cases.

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